Please keep writing, it is not falling into empty space!! I came across your blog from another blog that I like to read - 6yearmed - and you have been an inspiration to me and many others. Writing is healing and therapeutic - allows us to vent emotions and thoughts, reach out to others... Thanks and keep it up!!
#1 hannah (Homepage) on 2008-09-02 20:44
And, we'll keep reading. I just came across your blog a week or so ago and am here for the long haul. What you're doing on the Africa Mercy is quite incredible.
#2 Joanna on 2008-09-02 23:10
I'm here and reading. Please keep sharing.
#3 UCM (Homepage) on 2008-09-02 23:23
Most people get to the end of their lives and look back with regret – not at what they did, but at what they didn’t do. They never took risks or stepped out in faith. Whatever becomes of you, you’ll never have that problem – you’ve already done more in your 7 months on the Africa Mercy than many do in their entire lifetime.

You are one of God’s rare and precious people: someone who pours out her days one at a time in a living stream of sacrifice. That’s how it comes across, anyway (of course, you only see all the times you stub your toe or jamb your finger or do something else very dumb and petty and human!) But God has given you a life that, at least for now, can be lived to the fullest and without personal regret. Pain, yes; heartbreak and loss, yes; a few mistakes, even; but nothing for which you will be ashamed at the end of a lifetime, I’m sure. Not many can say that; not many have grabbed the nettle with both hands.

I have over 100 blogs that I track, and at the top are three ‘must reads’. I read a lot of blogs by pastors and worship leaders and church technologists about the missional church and the emerging church and Christian outreach; but without question the most evocative, deeply-moving witnesses to God’s Grace in action come from Danielle, Ali and Kristi.

And so you must continue to write. I’m reading.
#4 Steve (Homepage) on 2008-09-02 23:47
I got here from 6yearmed, too, and I'm addicted. Please keep writing. Every time I read what you do it makes me think that somewhere, somehow, a difference is being made. You make me want to come join the team.
#5 Betsy on 2008-09-02 23:55
I write as well because it is cathartic...because I have words rambling through my head that need to be put down somewhere.

I came across your blog because of 6yearmed.

Keep have no idea how many people need to be knocked out of their comfort into the reality of the rest of the world...myself definitely included!
#6 Deneen (Homepage) on 2008-09-02 23:59
I, too, came here from 6yearmed. I can't describe how meaningful your words are to me, how they touch me. You show me a world that is so different from mine and you give me an appreciation for my life. And, somehow this is very spiritual for me, almost like a very personal sermon -- a testament to God's love. I, like 6yearmed, read your blog from start to finish the first time I came here. It was riveting and a very emotional and spiritual experience. Not only are you helping your patients there, you are also inspiring people and showing us God's work. Thank you for that. I root for you when things are going well and I pray for strength for you when things are tough. I hope that in this small way, through prayer, I am helping you help others and that makes me feel good. God bless you.
#7 Heidi on 2008-09-03 00:11
Ali, I found your blog from 6YRMED and fell in love with it. I am struggling w a lot of changes in my life. I find my personal journey to be enriched by reading others journeys. I actually blogged about you today on Positive Post Tuesday. I too was engrossed and immersed in the blogosphere to a fault in the begining. You'll find a healthy balance.
#8 Amy Halleran (Homepage) on 2008-09-03 03:53
I also found your blog from 6yrmed. You both are inspiring young woman. You make me think and pray about the larger world.

Thanks for writing. BTW - My niece, also a nurse, was in Africa not too long ago. The story and pictures are amazing.
#9 Patty Harral on 2008-09-03 13:32
Your words touch my heart. Thanks for writing and serving the Lord as you do.
#10 KAT (Homepage) on 2008-09-03 22:12
Here from 6yrmed as well and not going anywhere... please keep writing, we're listening. Sometimes brokenhearted, but always on the edge of our seats.
#11 ChristieNY (Homepage) on 2008-09-03 22:50
Ali, I'm reading. So keep writing. I am so blessed by your words. I am here in the States, very "comfortable" in a safe place, and not looking upon illness and death as you are. Sometimes wonder how I can blog about silly and seemingly insignifant day to day challenges compared to what you are experiencing. But your journey reminds me that we are all on the journey uniquely and specifically designed by each of us, and each is signfiicant to His Kingdom. Through your words, I am being reminded of principles applicable to where God has placed me for service as well. So please, please, keep writing.
#12 Melissa (Homepage) on 2008-09-04 11:17
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