I love this. And I hate this. This fine line we walk between wanting to help and not being able to, between On Earth and As It Is In Heaven.
#1 Lore (Homepage) on 2009-06-08 14:21
my heart is broken. I can only imagine how hard that was for you to witness, because it was hard for me to read. I don't even know what to say. All I have to offer are my prayers and somehow even that doesn't seem like enough.
#2 Valerie on 2009-06-08 15:20
heart wrenching...please, for your own peace and joy, now turn your focus on what you CAN do...God will handle the things we cannot do...
#3 Deb on 2009-06-08 17:06
I'm sorry too. Thank you for sharing your heart. My dream of long term missions can be lived through your eyes for now as I wait for my children to be a little more independent so I can leave them behind to be a nurse to the nations and share the love of Christ with them. I don't remember exactly how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad I did. God bless you Ali. You are in my prayers. (I am a surgical nurse in Florida, waiting on God's perfect timing to be a missionary)
#4 michelle (Homepage) on 2009-06-08 17:23
oh ali. oh wow. i cannot imagine how difficult that must have been! i have no words of wisdom, no suggestions, no powerful insights. i wish i did. the only comfort i can offer is that one day, those precious people who know Christ as their Lord and Saviour will have their tears wiped away by the Lamb. they will walk on straightened limbs and see with clear eyes. they will speak with uninhibited mouths and hear with opened ears. no more more more sorrow. no more "nous sommes desoles."

share the love of Christ, ali! share His love!!!!!! i am praying for you, my sister.
#5 Jennifer Lightfoot (Homepage) on 2009-06-08 19:41
my stomach hurts.

thank you for sharing your stories. opening our eyes, expanding our hearts.
#6 jody Landers (Homepage) on 2009-06-08 20:44
Oh, Ali!
You make us all so sorry too. So sad and sorry.
I'm praying for you....
~ Jean Marie
#7 Jean Marie on 2009-06-09 21:43
Wow. Thank you for helping so many and for sharing the love of Christ with them.
#8 Kasey (Homepage) on 2009-06-11 11:45
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