I have followed your blog for quite awhile but I am always a "lurker." I love your blog and your writing is always so pure and sincere. It is lovely. This post was lovely. My home? I am not sure yet...
#1 Christie on 2010-01-19 17:43
Home is NE and GA and CO. Home is where my children are. Home is where I was when I met God. Home is where the people that I can rely on are. Mostly, though, home is wherever God has me for this season, which for now is NE.
#2 Tricia (Homepage) on 2010-01-19 17:55
I know that home is heaven and I want to be free to be picked up and blown anywhere by the wind of the Spirit - but I know I'm weighted down with 'North American' cement shoes right now.
#3 Pilgrim on 2010-01-19 21:24
welcome "home" to your blog where I get to swing by and chat over a cup of tea! missed seeing you around the virtual neighborhood!
#4 Dina (Homepage) on 2010-01-22 13:10
Such a beautifully written post. Thank you for sharing your words with us.

My home is where, and wherever, God places me.

~ L.E.
#5 Ellie (Homepage) on 2010-01-23 20:30
As usual, I love how you say things. And, I believe you have it right. This world - no specific place on it - is our home. We are pilgrims and we are traveling on the path that the Lord has for us.

Sometimes I am discontent with where the Lord has placed me. I wonder if I am doing "enough" in this world that seems to have way too much to do. (poverty, suffering, orphans, etc.) Then, I remember that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing the specific task the Lord has assigned me. Not that I quit asking Him if there is something else I should be doing!
#6 Lori Schneider (Homepage) on 2010-01-25 01:49
welcome back! :-)

home has been lots of places for me in the last 10 years. I was just thinking about that actually.

I would have to say for me, that, home is where i make it. It's not about the things or even necessarily the place. when we were first married we lived in a single room in someone's home.

we didn't own anything really. not even the bed we slept on.

at that time i struggled with what i called home and family. i came to realize that home is me and my husband (now we can add two boys to that). wherever we are together, that is my home.

makes 'things' so unimportant. places and things change. i am glad i was able to learn that.
#7 jenn Grant (Homepage) on 2010-01-25 12:27
I don't know if you have any time to read...if you do, you would really love, and GET,
Housekeeping by Marilyn Robinson.

Happy New Year and May God continue to grant you an abundance of Grace and Mercy. As if He could do otherwise?
#8 ginger zagnoli on 2010-01-26 23:09
Hi Ali, it was wonderful to see you nboth at STCF this morning. Thanks you for all the information you gave me, I am sure I will be meeting you in the not too distant future to serve in one way on another on the 'Africa Mercy'.

I wish you all a good journey to Togo and not too many sleepless nights. God Bless, Gwen
#9 Gwen Bower on 2010-01-27 11:44
I hear ya, Ali. What a weird thing to realize, huh? As much as it hurts to be away from friends and family, home can be many different places. Currently a house outside a little town in southern Ethiopia is it. Who knows what it will be in a few years?
ps--I missed you. Glad you're back. Come visit me at my new domain :-) Sophie
#10 Sophie (Homepage) on 2010-01-30 11:35
Are you able to use Skype while you are on the ship? We use it to visit with our youngest grandson (he'll be two in March), whom we only see in person twice a year, and he never forgets who we are. If you can do it with your little loved ones, they will remember you.
#11 Lori on 2010-01-30 15:45
Because we're so many people on one little internet connection, we can't do anything that uses so much bandwidth, like Skype. =( I make sure everyone at home has my picture up on the fridge though!
#11.1 Ali C. on 2010-01-30 16:34
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