I.m so very sorry, I,m, hurting too for this litlle Angel.s I,m hurting for you Aly, God will comfort you, like He alway.s has done so many times.
#1 Gerda Sadlers on 2010-06-01 19:49
The nurses may not remember ... but we do. All we have to hear is O'Brien ... and we remember. We remember tears and hopes and prayers, for a tiny baby none of us know except that you loved him.

we still pray. you are our conduit of love to those we can't hold.

Thank you, Ali.

~ Jean Marie
#2 Jean Marie (Homepage) on 2010-06-01 20:48
What a punch to the gut that must have been, Ali. Lean on the Lord for a while, He won't mind.
#3 janfrn on 2010-06-01 20:52
Grief has no timetable, no reason. It strikes whenever, wherever, like a sucker punch to the solar plexus.
#4 Susan Wilks on 2010-06-01 22:19
I just want to let you know that I understand the sudden bursts of grief. They hit you from nowhere and do take time to recover from. But, loving is worth it, isn't it?

I will pray for you!
#5 Lori Schneider (Homepage) on 2010-06-02 00:11
Poor, sweet baby :-( I still get sad about my NI baby who died over a year ago... the hurt doesn't go away very easily. It helps me, now, to talk about how much we all loved her...
#6 April (Homepage) on 2010-06-02 07:53
never forgotten. he will be carried in our hearts forever even though sometimes we have to just go about the work. i'm sorry you felt you had to go thru it alone.

reason number 594 i'm glad i'm not a charge nurse, i didn't get that particular sucker punch to the gut. =)
#7 natalie (Homepage) on 2010-06-02 12:13
I still remember my last long night with him - his last night - as I held him and sang to him and felt his breathing grow easier as he recognized that he was safe and loved. I don't completely understand why God took him then; I don't know if I ever will. But he will never be forgotten. You are not alone in grief...
#8 Laura on 2010-06-02 14:19
I read your blog because I visited Logos when it was in Ireland last summer, and loved the ministry it portrayed. And I read your blog because I love your way with words. It inspires me to use words well. Thanks for sharing your heart!
#9 Anita (Homepage) on 2010-06-02 18:07
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