What a fabulous story... amazing, amazing things happen daily! Thank you for that reminder... I'm set to start medical school this fall... and I'm full of fear and apprehension, and reading stories like this reminds me of the glory and joy that God brings through those who heal...

Thank you again and again and again for sharing your journey... I will be so sad to see you leave the ship!
#1 elle (Homepage) on 2010-06-08 15:22
I love the way you tell stories about your patients, it makes them come alive in my head... What a blessing to see how these lives change, not just physically, but emotionally as well!
I pray that you continue to have a positive attitude, and that it gets passed on to each of the patients. That they see the beauty that God has given them through and through.
Continue to fight the good fight!
#2 Heather (Homepage) on 2010-06-08 22:10
Ali..........You are such a blessing to those you care for.....Jesus' love shines through you. I am in awe as to how you practice your profession with such ease in a place so different from the hospitals in our country. I know that God's strength is yours on those days that you have so many cases to care for.
May He continue to richly bless you as you work for Him......I will put you and the needs of your patients in my prayer journal.....take care......Gram Dixie
#3 Carmen "Dixie" Downey (Homepage) on 2010-06-09 07:45
This morning I had an "Ali" experience... I don't know what else to call it. I've been caring for a young patient who had suffered a cardiac arrest more than a week ago with a prolonged down time. His neuro status was of grave concern to all of us. We'd seen some localizing and lots of posturing, but really nothing to suggest any cognitive awareness. Then this morning he arched and twisted while we did his xray. The tech had to come back and reshoot, an event that so rarely happens with this particular tech. After the second xray, I was chattering away to him as I always do and he seemed to be looking at me when the people in the next room burst out laughing over something. Automatically I asked him if he heard them laughing and he very definitely nodded his head. I was totally not expecting that, and nearly wept. So I aksed him a couple more questions and received obvious nods and head-shakes in response. The day doc came in just then and was able to elicit similar responses. I have no clue what the future will bring to this child, but today was a GOOD day.
#4 janfrn on 2010-06-18 19:56
Okay, that is AWESOME! I love the reminder that amazing things are happening all over; we don't have the corner on that particular market over here on our little ship. I had to read your comment over a couple of times before I could even wrap my head around it, because we all "know" that things like that just don't happen!
#4.1 Ali C. (Homepage) on 2010-06-19 07:30
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