I love what google translate does with your little Chinese aphorism.

"And i silently! To seek good ah kill off a dead technology is the timely response by the visitors."
#1 Mark on 2010-10-03 09:26
That actually explains a lot about the subtitles in pirated Chinese movies ... What I actually typed started wtih "Hi Mom!" and went on from there.
#1.1 Ali C. on 2010-10-03 20:18
love the translation done by mark! here I was all set to type a witty comment of my own translation and the real thing is funny enough! :-)
#2 Dina (Homepage) on 2010-10-03 21:07
It is for just those types of situations that I am never without anti-bacterial wipes. They have these great small travel packs. I LOVE them!

I had people laugh at me on a Europe trip for having toilet paper in my backpack. They weren't laughing when they were all lining up to borrow it when we were at a restroom without any t.p. I thought about charging them.
#3 Lori Schneider (Homepage) on 2010-10-04 00:52
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