Thanks for sharing that story Phil, or should I call you HoJ? It is nice to read a blog every now and then that is geared a little differently from the normal hospital, but still amazing, stories! It is Awesome how God does prompt us sometimes with that little gut feeling. I'm glad you listened to it!

Thanks Ali for your guest writer!
#1 Tim Abramoff (Homepage) on 2012-05-15 18:45
Praise the Lord! So great to know that our God knows every detail of our days!
#2 Megan Greer on 2012-05-15 22:07
Hallelujah and Praise to our glorious God. Thanks for this - thanks for your many insightful, pray awakening posts Ali. And thanks for this word that we might join in thanksgiving and praise to our Rich and Glorious God who blesses us richly and leads us according to his own good purposes.
#3 Scott D. Andersen (Homepage) on 2012-05-16 09:53
Glad to hear from both of you. Phil, great story and again a wonderful testimony of God's presence in all our activities.
Praise Him, Praise Him!

I enjoy so much your writting.
#4 Ricardo on 2012-05-16 16:23
Awesome. With all due respect for your deck 3 accomplishments, I want to hear more about the happenings in the engineering spaces.
I spent many years below the water line.
#5 Mickey on 2012-05-21 02:13
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