My children want to know what is wrong with the sad-faced little girl with something tumor-esque over her eye and the man after her with a handkerchief covering his mouth.
Can you tell us?
#1 Jessica on 2012-09-06 11:38
Hey Jessica ... hopefully you'll see this!

Just from looking at the pictures, it looks like the little girl has a tumor called a neurofibroma over her eye, and the man has a tumor called an ameloblastoma. Both are conditions we do surgery for on the ship, so I'm pretty sure they would have gotten appointment cards for surgery!

Here are a couple links to old blog posts of mine about patients with the same conditions:

Yeme had neurofibroma surgery; she had a huge one on her leg, but she also had one over her eye like the girl in that picture.

Esther was from this past outreach in Togo ... she had ameloblastomas removed, both from her cheek like that man and also from her bottom jaw. I don't have photos of her, but her condition was much worse and we were able to do surgery, so I'm really hopeful for that man!
#1.1 Ali C. (Homepage) on 2012-09-06 12:54
Thanks. I assumed they looked rather like tumors (as opposed to absess) I will go check out the old posts.

(I have been following your blog for a long time... Not sure how I found it.)
#2 Jessica on 2012-09-06 17:07

What a beautiful little girl!!

Four years ago about now, I have a picture of you holding another little baby on the Mercy Ship -- now my nephew Mattew. You were trying to figure out how to help my sister-in-law Cathi save him. She's a nurse from Minnesota, who adopted him after he was abandoned because of his cleft lip and palate.

He's now a beautiful four year old who just started pre-school at the Metro Deaf school in St. Paul, MN. You helped save him! My family can't thank you enough for that! -- Karen J
#3 Karen Johnson on 2012-09-11 11:50
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