Wow! What a way to describe being a parent. So poignant and so very true. Bless you as you raise this precious one. You write as beautiful(ly) as she is :-)
#1 Lizzy (Homepage) on 2013-01-11 06:42
Oh yes! I know those two lines and all that comes afterward so well! You have a beautiful little girl. My first was a little girl - I didn't know how much I could love another human until I met her.
#2 Sarah (Homepage) on 2013-01-11 07:53
This was lovely, and such a lovely picture too.
#3 MaggieO on 2013-01-11 08:00
Oh Ali, I have a Zoe too and I pray that same rabid prayer. You've written my thoughts here: "She's the rush of air that fills my lungs when I break the surface after the long plunge. She's my heart, sailing off outside the narrow confines of my ribs even though I know that the ocean is bigger than the both of us and there are monsters out there near the edge of the map."

My eyes are brimming reading this, because I relate so profoundly. I pray against sea monsters with everything in me and my faith feels like it might not be big enough some days to fend them off. But I also have hope and it buoys us both.

Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
One Zoe mama to another :-)
Warmest wishes
#4 Lisa-Jo @lisajobaker (Homepage) on 2013-01-11 09:46
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