What a wise mama you have! Working with our hands can release so much that ails us. I love bread, love the smell of it baking ... thanks for taking us back to your childhood kitchen as you worked side-by-side with your mama.
#1 Elizabeth (Homepage) on 2013-02-22 07:39
Wonderful to read this this morning. It flows well and is very easy to picture. Thanks for keeping at drafting this and thanks to your mom for keeping at it.
#2 Marnie Beaubien on 2013-02-22 07:49
And Zoe IS a lucky, lucky girl. LOVE. Passed on. One generation to the next.
#3 Paula Barnett (Homepage) on 2013-02-22 09:59
Your Mom was my rock - she taught me a whole new way to look at FAMILY I'd never been exposed to - she made me want to be in YOUR family. You were such a CUTIE when you were young. YOU are a BLESSING to Zoe & your HOJ because of the love & lessons your Mama has implanted in you. Thank you for your testimony!
#4 Aunt Sue on 2013-02-22 11:14
Great memory! I love that she made you stuff like bread. Thank you for sharing today.
#5 Debi @ FunkiPlanet (Homepage) on 2013-02-22 15:40
Beautiful post. The part that made me cry though was your disclaimer at the end. What a blessing to have such a wonderful mother!
#6 Valerie on 2013-02-22 19:13
beautiful post. stopping in from the Five Minute Friday link up.

#7 jessica on 2013-02-24 00:35
The most beautiful thing I've read on the Internet this week. I have a boy that battles temper like that and I've watched him knead bread in his fury and seen the fire soften out of him. Thank you for this beautiful beautiful piece of writing. And I figured this week, it would likely be a five minute exception for most people. Thank you for sharing with us. You're my featured Five Minute Friday this week!

warmest wishes
#8 Lisa-Jo @lisajobaker (Homepage) on 2013-02-26 09:54
Thank you, Lisa-Jo; it's truly an honour to be featured on the blog of one of my favourite writers out there.

My bread-making mama is coming to visit me here in Guinea in a week; I can't wait. :-)
#8.1 Ali C. on 2013-02-26 09:57
My mama baked bread too..and now I'm discovering how taking time for that slow process calms me just like you wrote. Lovely.
#9 Lindsey (Homepage) on 2013-02-26 19:32
it's amazing how the simple act of baking can pull our emotions back to a safe place. as with you, my kitchen experiences always draw me back to my mama. she is now states away, but she started exploring baking different breads, and her excitement has fed my own and so we bake bread together across state lines.

beautiful post.
#10 eric siewert (Homepage) on 2013-03-01 09:07
I've been meaning to take up bread making. Coincidentally, there has been much temper flaring through our house lately so thinking maybe now is the time. Thank you for your transparent, beautiful words.
#11 Just A Beautiful Mess (Homepage) on 2013-03-02 16:48
Such an amazing picture of life here - my mom made our bread often too, so I can completely picture your little hands kneading and pulling that dough. Not only is this a beautiful memory, but such so amazingly written. Your words are more like music. So glad you were featured!
#12 Emily (Homepage) on 2013-03-08 08:15
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