I remember those! :-) Often they also included a large package to carry to add some weight. hehe Improvising...
#1 Candace (Homepage) on 2013-04-17 13:04
As usual, you tell it so well. I mentioned the AFM Stress Tests in my emails home, especially because some of my readers were in the medical field, but couldn't make you imagine it quite that way! The gangway was my personal stairmaster as I did the stress test with the patients :-) Keep the stories coming, please.
#2 Nicky on 2013-04-18 21:07
AWESOME!!! I was a cardiac sonographer for five years before becoming a stay-at-home pregnant lady, and did the ultrasound imaging portion of many a cardiac stress test. This story brings the biggest grin to my face!
#3 Nikki (Homepage) on 2013-04-19 13:07
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