My husband was raised abroad and they traveled extensively. To the point that he is a TCK and doesn't really have a home. At times I think the most difficult thing now is how I don't understand this. His relationships have always been so fluid he never holds on real tight. It's affected us in ways that, even 8 years in, I'm only just beginning to understand.
He definitely has a heart for the world though, and that's rubbed off on me as well. :-)
#1 Krista (Homepage) on 2013-06-12 03:03
"Traveling soul", I love that. I was raised a TCK, and am now raising my own 4 TCK's. No regrets about that here! Finding home wherever our adventures take us, is exactly it. Zoe is a truly blessed lil' lady to be living the life she is.
#2 Anne (Homepage) on 2013-06-17 10:58
I'm also a TCK and my siblings and I have turned out relatively normal - I wouldn't trade the way I grew up for anything. The attitudes of my parents were probably the biggest influencers of that, so Zoe should be in good hands! Coincidentally, I was reading through my Mercy Ships blog roll this morning and found this beautiful post by Susan Parker about raising her kids aboard Mercy Ships. The title speaks for itself :-)
#3 Lee on 2013-06-27 06:07
Thank you for that. It's always good to hear from real-live TCKs who've made it out the other side unscathed. The Parkers are pretty much the family I look to whenever I wonder whether we're doing the right thing. I love them and I love their kids. :-)
#3.1 Ali C. on 2013-06-27 11:48
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